Medical Billing and Coding

What Medical Coders and Medical Billers do?

When a patient visits a hospital and tells his problem, the nurse performs the necessary tests and the doctor examines those tests. After that he prescribes medication. Everything about the patient is put in record by the Doctor himself or the Medical administration.

The Medical Coder translates that record into alphanumeric code, which then, will be used in Medical Billing process. The medical biller translates that code into a financial slip.

In coding you will learn to translate the medical procedures into codes while in billing you will learn to convert the Medical codes into a financial report. In short, the Medical Billing and Coding job is like a bridge between the doctor and the patients that acts as a translator between them.

The Training Tenure of Medical Coding and Billing
Crescent College’s training period is designed to be completed in a very short period. After taking the training of this course, you can be a Medical Billing and Coding Certified Professional in only 7 months.

What you will learn at Crescent’s Medical Coding and Billing?
Medical Coding and Billing is mostly a theoretical work. There are hundreds of thousand codes for medical procedures, outpatient procedures and diagnosis. For each medical procedure there is a unique standard code.

At Crescent’s training program of medical coding and billing you will first learn Medical Coding Procedures and then Medical Billing.

In Medical Coding, you will learn:

  • International Classification of Disease’s Codes (ICD codes)
  • Current Procedure Terminology Codes    (CPT codes)
  • Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)

Medical Billing
In fact Medical Billing is as simple as it sounds. You will be taught to convert Medical Codes into Bills for Doctors or for Life Insurance Companies.


Your expected workplaces
After completing the course, you can work in

  • Doctor’s Offices
  • Hospitals, Clinics, or other Health Care Providers
  • Independent Billing Companies
  • Life Insurance Companies
  • Medical Laboratories
  • Pharmacist’s Store

 Scope and Salary

Every Sector related to Medical profession needs a well-trained Medical Coder and Biller to maintain their financials. With the increasing number of diseases, the trend of Life insurance is also increasing every year. Along with this, the demand of Medical Coders and Billers has also increased.

  • About 14% growth is expected for the demand of Medical Coders and Billers by 2025.
  • 6000+ people retire per annum.
  • 2000+ people are required annually

The cheery on top besides the increasing scope, you can earn a handsome average salary of about $67,963 per annum, anywhere in California.
Have a look on states wise AAPC REPORT of 2019.

 Why Us for this program?
Crescent College is the center of excellence since 2000. We are a world class academic institution with proud history of achievements and ambitious plans for future. Same, like other programs, Crescent College’s Staff is second to none in teaching Medical Billing and Coding. Crescent College focuses on continues students training its modern curriculum, tools and techniques and with the help of leading experts of the city. Our 7 months program delivers structured education to the enrolled students in a highly communicative and friendly environment

Courses in this program include:

Module AMB
Module BMB
Module CMB
Module DMB
Module EMB
Module FMB
Module GMB
Module HMB
Module IMB
Module JMB
Introduction to Computers
Introduction to Medical Office Procedures
Medical Anatomy and Terminology
Health Care Law and Ethics
Electronic Spreadsheets
Insurance Practices and Claims
Medical Billing, Insurance Coding and Medical Office Software
Introduction to Internet
Employment Preparation


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