Why Medical Assistants should expect explosive job growth in 2020?

Doctor With Nurse Working At Nurses Station
Crescent College
Crescent college is among one of the few private colleges in Los Angeles that is providing training for its candidates and helping the mass to pursue their carrier as a Medical Assistant. The training sessions are accomplished through hands on experience or practical work with the experienced staff as well as modern machinery. Turning your dreams into realities, Crescent College (Los Angeles) brings you innovative and state of the art training sessions with their highly skilled staff and machinery. By furnishing the skills, Crescent College LA, it’s student you to reach the pinnacle of high-quality jobs in the medical field to continue your carrier.
Programs offered in Crescent College
Since 2002, Crescent College, as a Vocational training institute, is offering hundreds of programs to the people of Los Angeles, USA. Here is the list of some highly demanded programs offered by Crescent College
- Medical Assistants
- Medical Billing and Coding
- Certified Phlebotomy Technician CPT-1
- Alcohol and Drug Counselor
- Physical Therapy
- Computer Repair Technician
- Business Office Administration
Why to be a Medical Assistant
Medical field is amongst one of the top-class fields and noble professions in the worlds. The reason is that medical faculty tries to save millions of lives on daily basis. Medical field is considered as the toughest and the most difficult carrier, that needs high will power, consistency and a lot of hard work. Being life saviors, a huge responsibility lies on professionals associated with this field.
Some of the professionals related to this field are:
- Doctors
- Surgeons
- Physicians
- Medical Assistants or Nursing Staff
- Pharmacists
- Therapists
- Quick Rescue
There all are, a part of medical field. After completing their degrees, they perform this noble job. Each professional needs a Medical Assistant to run a hospital or a clinic.
Increasing demand of Medical Assistants in 2020
Medical Assistants acts like a pillar of any Clinic. Clinical management is impossible without them.
If there were no Medical assistants, doctors alone could do nothing. They could hardly check 3-4 patients in their clinic time. But with the help of Medical Assistants they can check more patients and can save more time. Without Medical assistants, both administrative as well as clinical work of a hospital will be disturbed.
In medical field, Medical assistants are the 2nd most important individuals after the doctors and 1st most important employs for the doctors. But the question here is why there will be need of More Medical Assistants in 2020? Are the number of current Medical Assistants for the year 2020, not enough?
Well, the right answer is that, with the increase in water pollution, air pollution and many other factors, more diseases are being resulted. New reports show an overall increase in the chronic diseases.
In the year 2020 the most found diseases in United States of America are
- Breast Cancers
- Cardiovascular Diseases (Heart diseases)
- Lungs disease
- Liver Disorders
- Blood diseases
- Osteoarthritis
With the increasing diseases in 2020, more Medical Assistant are required in USA. According to a rough estimate of 2019, the Doctor per patient rate in USA was about 300 physicians per one lac. While licensed Medical Assistants for these physicians were few in numbers. It means more doctors and more assistants are needed in 2020.
The demand of medical assistants in 2020 is like blue chip athletes. Medical assistants are responsible for the availability of proper and adequate patient care. Now In every branch, the doctors need medical assistants to help them in their noble work. There are different duties of medical assistants. Doctors need Medical Assistants for two purposes.
- Clinical purposeTo maintain a continuous check and balance of patients, according to the prescription of doctors, is the responsibility Medical Assistants.
Minor Procedures
2. Obtains samples
3. Performing ECG’s, X-rays and Ultrasound
4. Giving Medicines admitted patients - Administrative purposeAdministrative Medical assistants are responsible for the everyday happening in the hospital.
Scheduling appointments
2. Form fillings
3. Processing Insurance Forms
4. Managing Desk Calls
5. Record of admitted patients
Training of Medical Assistants in Crescent College
The Crescent College Administration never compromises over the training of its candidates. A structured, up-to-date and well-organized training plan of Crescent College helps its Medical Assistants in standing out of the crowd. The training procedure of Crescent College makes its students unique; in a way that the whole syllabus is divided into different modules. Each module is concerned with a specific topic. Each topic is covered withing the specific credit hours. In this way, the course becomes easy to understand by every single student.
In the 10 modules of this program, the Medical Assistants of Crescent College are given a basic introduction to computers and other machines in the first module.
In the next module they learn the intro of some medical procedures, like
- Echocardiography (ECG).
- Computed tomography (CT scan)
- Electrical impedance tomography (EIT)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
- Ultrasonography
- Fluoroscopy
- Dialysis
A separate module is designed for students for CPR First Aid practices.
The third module is designed to study Medicine Laws. So that, Medical Assistants of Crescent College know their responsibilities as well as the rights of the patients. This module creates awareness in Medical Assistants of Crescent College to follow the legal ways to treat accidental or crime patients.
Then, they will practically learn two consecutive modules on Clinical procedures. Crystal-clear instructions for surgical procedures will be taught in these modules.
- Taking vital signs
- Collecting specimens
- Lab processing
- Preparing patients for treatment
- Sterilization of surgical instruments
After half of the course, there are two separate modules on Hospital Management and the commonly used software, in the clinics.
Beside this, The Crescent College not only offers their candidates just a training but also promising carriers as well as there is a lot of experience put in the body of the students so that their skills can help them to develop a successful carrier.
Job opportunities for Crescent College Medical Assistant in 2020.
The Candidates who graduate form Crescent College are trained professionally. They have practical experience on modern machinery, that makes them better experienced than any other graduate.
It will be quite interesting for you that for all the students, enrolled in Crescent College, either as a Medical Assistant or any other training program, there are modules for Employment preparation and Externship.
Crescent College, based on their fantastic training, can guarantee it’s students that not even a single clinic will deny them, if they have vacant space.
The purpose of Externship is to meet the clinical requirements in 2020 as well as upcoming years.
As it is the matter of reputation for Crescent College, it will never leave its students alone!